Over time, upholstery and fabrics shred fibers, leaving you with unsightly fuzz balls or fuzzies. There is no need to worry about shedding because it is a natural process. However, you may want to remove them so your furniture or clothes so look new again.
I found the best tool to use is an electric fabric shaver. I bought a higher-end Popchose brand for about $25. I highly recommend it and have included a link below to purchase one.
It has a built-in battery so it needs to be charged first. After it's charged all you have to do is turn it on and rub the head over the fuzzies and they disappear. They trimmed fuzzes go into the shavers built-in waste receptacle. Don't forget to keep emptying the receptacle otherwise, it will clog up.
The fabric shaver is a very easy-to-use tool and I find it very gentle on the fibers. However, it does say in the instructions that it is possible to cause damage to fabrics if the fabric is already worn. I've never had any problems but it's something to keep in mind when using.
I hope you enjoyed our blog and please show your support by sharing. Always remember before you remove the fuzzies from your couch or upholstery you need to make sure the furniture is cleaned. Call Diamond Dry Carpet Cleaning. If you have carpets, upholstery, or area rugs that need to get cleaned in Volusia County call Diamond Dry Carpet Cleaning for the best service.
Link for Popchose fabric shaver: